Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Top 3 Ways to Boost Your Mood Through Exercise

Trade in your cranky days for happier and healthier ones with 3 mood-boosting recommendations.

I think we could all agree upon the emotional benefits of exercise. In fact, studies indicate regular exercise not only builds your physical strength but also boosts your mood, reduces stress and increases self-esteem

In this article, we’ve compiled the top 3 ways to boost your mood through exercise. In addition, we’ve added some short and effective cardio, strength and yoga routines for you to try.

Mood and Stress

Evidence suggests that people who’ve exercised regularly all of their lives have far less chances of developing depression and anxiety disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 16 million Americans suffer from depression, while anxiety disorders strike more than 30 percent of the population. In times like these, this despondency is more and more understandable. 

So, why is exercise such a mood booster? 

Neurotransmitters—chemicals in your brain—are responsible for the release of serotonin and norepinephrine. A deficiency in either serotonin or norepinephrine leads to depression.

Most antidepressants work to increase the amount of both neurotransmitters in your brain. But the most natural way to release these powerful neurotransmitters is through exercise. Post-workout effects include the release of endorphins, improved self-efficacy and diminished stress.

Mood-Boosting Tip #1: Get Some Fresh Air

We’ve already covered it—exercise is great for boosting your mood. But taking it outside can further enhance the mental health benefits. In fact, just 5 minutes of outdoor exercise can significantly boost your self-esteem and mood. And when you exercise near water, the effects are even stronger! 

Here’s a fun outdoor circuit you can do in your backyard or local park. 


High Knees x 30 seconds
Butt Kicks x 30 seconds
Alternating Toe Touches x 30 seconds
Plank Walks x 30 seconds

Cardio Circuit: 

Walking Lunges x 60 seconds
Speed Skaters x 60 seconds
Bear Crawls x 60 seconds
Plank Jacks x 60 seconds 

Strength Circuit:

Plank x 60 seconds 
Side Plank (Right) x 60 seconds
Side Plank (Left) x 60 seconds 
Tricep Dips x 60 seconds 

Related: 5 Incredible Reasons to Take Your Workouts Outside

Note: If 60 seconds is too hard, start with 20 to 30 seconds of each exercise and increase the duration each week. 

Mood-Boosting Tip #2: Practice Yoga

Boosting your mood is as easy as rolling out your yoga mat. According to research, practicing yoga at least 3 times per week leads to less stress and a better mood

Start your morning with this simple yoga routine. 

Morning Yoga Flow: 

Easy Pose x 30 seconds
Bridge Pose x 30 seconds
Cat Pose x 30 seconds
Cow Pose x 30 seconds

Chair Pose x 30 seconds
Child’s Pose x 30 seconds
Cobra Pose x 30 seconds
Downward Dog x 30 seconds 

Mood-Boosting Tip #3: Pick up the Intensity 

Intense cardiovascular exercise is a great way to release mood-boosting endorphins in your body. Cardio activities that get your heart rate up—HIIT, jogging, circuit training, cycling, climbing stairs, elliptical training—reduce anxiety and depression. 

If individual activities aren’t your thing, join a local sports league. Not only will you boost your mood, but you’ll make some new friends along the way. Or, join a local fitness class that offers HIIT classes like Crossfit or boxing. 

Even if group training isn’t your thing, fitness apps like Gymondo offer a wide variety of HIIT programs and cardio classes. You can complete each workout from the comfort of your own home. 

Add this full-body HIIT workout to your weekly routine to boost your mood. 

What are you waiting for? Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Your mood will thank you for it! 

Not sure where to start? Gymondo can help. Explore 25+ fitness programs and 100s of online workout to get fit and feel happy. 

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Kristy Crowley

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