Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

10 Holistic Health Choices Every Woman Should Make By Age 40

How many can you check off your list already? 

Make holistic health a habit while you’re still young, so you’re more likely to stick to it as you age. Here are 10 holistic healthy choices every woman should make by the time she reaches the big 4-0. And even if you’re past 40, it’s better late than never!

#1: Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is linked to lower levels of stress, increased brainpower and plenty of other health benefits. So, if you’re using exercise as a means to shape your body, you should use meditation to sharpen your mind. Follow these tips to add mindfulness to your daily routine

#2: Learn About Your Family’s Health History 

Your dad might not want to talk about his mom’s struggle with dementia or his grandfather’s battle with cancer, but your health and well-being depends on it.

The more you uncover about your family’s health history, the better prepared you and your physician are to tackle any issues you may face. So, have those hard talks with your family members to protect your health.  

#3: Do Regular Health Checks

To stay on top of your health, you’ll need to do more than see your dentist once a year. Regular health checks are important since they can identify any early signs of health issues.

Finding problems early on means that your chances for effective treatment are significantly increased. Your age, current health, family history and lifestyle choices impact how often you need check-ups.

#4: Get Your Vitamins From Food, Not Supplements 

Not all supplements are created equal. In fact, studies suggest some supplements are linked to negative health consequences.

Currently, there’s no federal restrictions for vitamins or dietary supplements. Simply put, vitamin and supplement manufacturers aren’t required to gain FDA approval before making or selling their products to consumers. 

The bottom line: Nothing replaces a healthy diet. Adopting a healthy diet filled with natural, whole foods is much more effective and a safer way to get essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients into your body. 

Related: Supplements vs. Food: The Hard Truth Behind Vitamins

#5: Swear Off Extreme Dieting

The max amount of weight you can safely lose each week is 1 to 2 pounds. This can only be accomplished by creating a calorie deficit—burning more calories than you consume. To do this, you’ll need to make eating healthy and exercising regularly a part of your weekly routine. 

Calorie counting and severely restricting your caloric intake is harmful to your health and prevents you from getting all of the nutrients you need. Plus, it sends your body into starvation mode—an approach that’s unsustainable and leads to decreased metabolism. 

#6: Limit Screen Time

We’re not asking you to cancel your Netflix membership, but weight gain is linked to increased screen time.

So, keep the time you spend scrolling through your phone or watching your favorite series to a minimum. And if you just can’t help yourself, use these helpful tips to stay more active, even when you’re binge-watching your favorite show. 

#7: Discover the Great Outdoors

According to research, exercising outdoors is the biggest mental boost for your health. Spending more time in nature is linked to living a happier and healthier life. Check out these 5 incredible reasons to get outside.  

#8: Always Apply Sunscreen

Everyone loves a golden tan, but as you age, sun can wreak havoc on your health. The regular application of sunscreen prevents skin cancer by protecting you from harmful UV rays. Plus, sunscreen helps stave off premature aging, wrinkles and sun spots. It’s a win-win! 

#9: Wash Your Face Before Bed

At one point or another, we’ve all gone straight to bed without washing our face but it shouldn’t become a regular practice. The more times you forget to wash your face before bed (especially if you have makeup on), the more damage your skin will endure over time. Use these helpful skincare tips

#10: Find a Workout You Love

Working out increases your mood, improves your skin, helps with weight loss—the list goes on and on. But if you hate exercising, the chances of you sticking with it are pretty slim, so make sure to find something you love. 

Need something new to try? Start your free trial with Gymondo today, where you’ll find a huge variety of workout styles for your mood and lifestyle.

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Kristy Crowley

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