Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

How to Get Toned in 6 Simple Steps

So, you want to get toned.

That’s fantastic. 

How should you go about it? 

To get the toned body you crave, it’s important to set realistic goals that you can achieve. But what do you do once your goals have been established? Here are 6 simple steps to get you toned and change the way you look and feel. 

#1 Don’t Stop Eating!

One of the worst ways to accomplish your tone-goal is to stop eating the necessary amount of calories needed for your body to function properly and recover from intense workouts. When you’re working out regularly, your body needs even more fuel to keep your metabolism running at full speed. Intake nutrient-rich foods throughout the day at regular intervals and never skip meals. Three square meals a day coupled with healthy snacks or 4-5 smaller meals throughout the day is the perfect way to reach your tone-goal. 

Gymondo Magazine: Top 10 Superfoods to Get Lean and Toned

#2 Stay Hydrated 

Muscles are composed of up to 76 percent water and dehydrating them leads to muscle breakdown. In order to increase the production of new muscle tissue, it’s vital that you keep yourself properly hydrated throughout the day. This doesn’t mean only drinking when you’re thirsty. Instead, drink at least 2 liters of water at regular intervals throughout the day.

#3 Try Interval Training

If you’re someone who gravitates toward steady-state cardio (jogging), you’ll definitely burn some major fat, but at the same time, you’ll be neglecting muscle growth. To give your muscles the burn they need, add interval training to your regime. One of the most effective ways to build lean muscle while still burning fat is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT workouts mix cardiovascular exercises with strength training to target fat stores and build lean muscle. 

#4 Add Combo Movements to Your Workout Routine

Choose exercises that pair different muscle groups—lunge to overhead press or push-ups with mountain climbers—to increase your growth factor, allowing your body to build up power and strength. The more muscles you work at once, the more hormones your body will release, which stimulates calorie burn and muscle development. It’s also a great way to get more done in less time and turn up the intensity of your workout. 

#5 Bring Your Trainer With You

Take advantage of great mobile workout apps like Gymondo. Put your practice in your pocket and go wherever life takes you. Now, you can easily fit in a toning workout whenever you want and wherever you may be with no excuses. 

#6 No, Weight Training Won’t Make You Bulky

Bulking up like a bodybuilder is extremely difficult and requires a complete revamp of the foods you eat and the way you train—think very heavy weights. So, if you think you’ll bulk up by lifting light to moderate weights, you won’t. Strength training not only tones your muscles, it also boosts your metabolism, burns fat and accelerates weight loss. So, grab your dumbbells and get started. Weight training programs like Gymondo’s Triple Tone are perfect to tone up and build lean muscle. 

To reach your tone-goal, you must prioritize nutrition and exercise, but that doesn’t mean starving yourself or lifting heavy weights. It does mean pushing your body to adapt to increased levels of time under tension, reps, speed or weight. Your body won’t change until you’re determined to push it to change.

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Kristy Crowley

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Note: People who have diabetes or are pregnant are not advised to participate in the online program without consulting their doctor first. The online program is also not suitable for treating pathological overweight.