Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Get Inspired by This Incredible Weight Loss Transformation

No matter where you’re at in your journey, there’s no better inspiration than other weight loss success stories. 

There’s a whole slew of reasons to lose weight. Some of us want to look better, others want to boost their self-esteem and many aim to stop using food as a coping mechanism. Wherever you’re at in your journey, this inspiring weight loss success story proves that it’s never too late to get a new lease on life. Get inspired by this incredible weight loss transformation. 

Alice lost 22 kilos with Gymondo

Alice has battled—and overcome—difficult challenges to achieve her weight loss goals. If she can do it, you can do it too! Find out how Alice lost 22 kilos through healthy eating and a dedication to fitness with Gymondo

What didn’t you like about your physical condition?

“I got to a point where I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. During this time, I didn’t dare stand naked in front of the mirror or check my weight on the scale. And the few times I did stand in front of the mirror, I hated what I saw staring back at me. The clothes I had once loved were now too small for me. My belly protruded, even under loose clothing. And I couldn’t fathom the thought of wearing a bikini.”

Was there a turning point for you?  

“I’m not quite sure how it happened, but somehow a switch was flipped. I had tried losing weight many times before but without great results or long-lasting success. But at some point, I examined myself from top to bottom and realized I needed to make a drastic change for my health and well-being.”

How has Gymondo helped?

“When I first started to change my eating habits, I had no idea that food would play such a pivotal role in weight loss. But then I started noticing a difference on the scale. This motivated me to continue my nutrition plan with Gymondo. It became fun for me to browse through new recipes and try new dishes.” 

Have you experienced any doubts along the way? 

“I first started changing up what I ate. Then, I added workouts. Initially, I was so slow and out of shape. In the beginning, I could only complete a few repetitions and I always chose the easier modifications for each Gymondo workout. Many times, I’d have to stop the video and take a break. I felt sort of hopeless, like things would never improve. But I stuck with it and now it’s like night and day. I can take advanced classes and no longer have to take breaks.” 

When did you realize that all of your efforts were finally paying off? 

“I was traveling the entire month of March, but I continued to exercise and eat healthily. When I arrived home after my trip, I got back on the scale. I was incredibly surprised at how much weight I had lost. In just one month, I had made such great progress. This was a defining moment for me.”

How have others reacted to your change?

“I receive many compliments, but also motivating words, which keep me going. Plus, I have a great support system, which drives me to continue to pursue my goals.”  

What motivated you to stick to your goals? 

“Old pictures and memories. Knowing how I felt then compared to how I feel now is all the reason I need. Now, I feel healthy, fit and I have way more energy. I never want to slip back into that unhealthy and sluggish lifestyle.” 

What’s been your biggest accomplishment? 

“In one year, I lost 22 kilos and several inches off my waistline. When I started training, I wore a size 42 pants. Now, I’m down to a size 36.”

How often do you train? 

“I train six to seven days per week and work out with Gymondo at least three times each week. On the other days, I usually go for runs or a swim.” 

What’s changed for you since your transformation? 

“What I once had to force myself to do is now fun. Fitness has now become a regular part of my life. Since I’ve prioritized my health and well-being, I’ve developed consistency. This consistency has led to healthy habits. I’m finally at a place where I feel comfortable in my body.”

Do you have any advice for others? 

“There will be highs and lows, but don’t let the setbacks keep you from moving forward. Just remember why you started. Try not to look back. Instead, remain focused on moving forward. Think of the day when you’ll reach your desired weight or when you can fit into your favorite pants again. Or, think of how great you feel after completing a workout. Focus on the things you can control and disregard the rest.” 

Start Your Journey Now! 

Join Alice and 1000s of others who’ve not only transformed their body but who’ve also transformed their health and well-being. Start your own success story now and let Gymondo help you get there. 

Need more inspiration? Check out more Gymondo success stories here.

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Kristy Crowley

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